Player Characters
- Vauhan Istradez, calling himself Imsayed
- Zuhrovet Sikandaret, nicknamed Sasha
- Aricura Sulen
- Vestar Ashari
- Dah Iawa
- Eshegen Virmad
- Zirvesi Ankat
- Kaliyan Ette
- Cherrewin Yehan
- Vauhan Mikodez, calling himself Avrayen
- Liatris Alaric
Table of character pseudonyms
Non-player Characters
- Crow, who briefed the party on their first mission
- Quill, a facilitator in the timeline desensitization branch of the rebellion, which is responsible for taking new recruits, figuring out what they know, and assigning them appropriately
- The moth on the Wasp
Station Moongray
- Remi, whom they have been sent to extract from Station Moongray
- Andan Bokali, a contact specialist second class from Station Moongray
- Nirai Pavn, "a tidy older man with his hair in braids, all wrapped up in a black coat with silver buttons"
- Nirai Paerani Shan, Administrator of Station Moongray.
- Nirai Alissa, in charge of the dance studio on Station Moongray
- Lieutenant Kel Teo, in charge of security on Station Moongray, seconded to the Nirai
- Magistrate Rahal Gerae, a slim gray-eyed man in his late thirties, who is corrupt (details here)
- Nirai Vana, Remi's research assistant, 'a short, round-faced woman whose affectation appears to be glasses with prismatic lenses'
- Remi's baby moths
- Artist-designate Kwor
- Fluffy, a winged lizard, the pet of Rahal Gerae
List of randomly generated h*-archate names